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36 Questions (Tour de télétransmission)

2018 - 10m - Short - English / French

Synopsis: In a generic city, a young woman of today undergoes a test to check if her soul mate really is. Facing her, a filmmaker entrusts the operating mode and the metaphysical and ethical stakes of immersion in virtual reality movies. Along this impossible dialogue, hopes and delusions cross each other without ever meeting.

Screening «dans une sorte de désordre aidé» / from March 15 to April 21st 2018 / Abbaye aux Dames, Caen, France.

Hermit Crab

2019 ‧ Drama/Crime ‧ 18'

After locking himself into the car of one of his customers, an agoraphobic holidays’ telephone salesman, who took the habit to break into his costumer’s house to try their life, finds recordings of a Life Coach.

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