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Prague Sea

2019 - 5m - Short Documentary - Czech Republic

Synopsis: Through visual drifting, Prague sea aims to explore the tunnels of an obsession and its paradoxical meanings.

Cinematography: Siddesh Shetty
Produced by: FAMU, Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague Production Managers: Adela Konecna & Martina Basusova

Description "Thou art perfect, then, our ship has touched upon the deserts of Bohemia'." In 1623 Shakespeare made Tristram Shandy land Bohemian's coasts in The Winter's Tale. Czechs, indeed, used to have a border when their country was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Fifty years later, professor Karel Žlábek came up with a pharaonic project of a tunnel, several hundred kilometers long, that would reach the Adriatic to transport goods and give the citizens access to a seaside horizon. The project never emerged, but today, Czechs do not need a tunnel to reach the beach, as they massively fly to Croatia every summer. It is on the Croatian beach that Ondrej recalls getting his dream idea: making a second Titanic landing the Vltava coasts. Whether political, psychological, or economic, the seaside question definitely raised stakes throughout the Czech Republic's (Czechia) history. Screening June 2018 / Famu, Praha, Czech republic

Hermit Crab

2019 ‧ Drama/Crime ‧ 18'

After locking himself into the car of one of his customers, an agoraphobic holidays’ telephone salesman, who took the habit to break into his costumer’s house to try their life, finds recordings of a Life Coach.

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